Hindi is one of the most commonly spoken languages in India and is spoken in different regional variations in many North Indian states. Hindi has also traveled to countries outside of South Asia and is spoken in Fiji, Mauritius, Trinidad, and Guyana and throughout the South Asian Diaspora of the western world. It is a language of a long literary tradition, both in modern prose and poetry.
ICA is launching a Hindi Learning Program for both children and adults. The objective of this program is to teach students how to read, write and speak in Hindi while getting to know more about Indian culture. In the classroom, students will be provided with a variety of learning experiences, including
- Reading and writing exercises
- General conversational situations
- Rhymes
- Songs and stories based on India’s history and cultural values
- Arts and crafts
Beyond the classroom, students will have the opportunity to participate and perform in ICA cultural events and special occasions.
Each year, there will be a graduation/celebratory activity. To enroll in the program, one needs to be an active member of ICA Kingston. Experienced volunteers from our community will take on the responsibility to develop the program for teaching the students. ICA will organize the venue for conducting the classes.
If you are interested to enroll in the program or would like to volunteer to be the teacher or the teaching assistant, please send us an email at icakingston@gmail.com
Or please sign up by filling the [wpforms id="806" title="true"]
On Behalf of the India Canada Association of Kingston